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Webquest Assignment

Background information on different cities

La ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Cuzco, Peru

Choose ONE of the three cities that Kanye is going to visit (Mexico City, Santo Domingo, or Cuzco). Research and prepare him for the different aspects of his trip listed below by completing the EVALUATION PAGE below.

1) List 5 items Kanye West will need to bring to be best prepared for the city? Click here to complete packing list assignment.

2) Create one sample conversation that will best prepare him to navigate the city? Click here to complete the conversation assignment.

3) What are some cultural norms Kanye will need to watch out for? Click here to complete cultural norms assignment.

4) What kinds of music originate from the country and would help inspire Kanye? Click here to complete music assignment.

5) What are 3 tourist locations that Kanye needs to visit? Click here to complete tourist locations assignment.

Download the following Microsoft Document and either print the document or download and edit it to complete the assignment.

Evaluation Page

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